Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's a boy!

I just knew it! There must be something to this whole mother's intuition! It was so cool to see that our little baby looks like a BABY!!! Everything looks good and our little boy is healthy. He was very active and loved to play with his hands. He kept his hands wide open like he was pushing on my stomach and giving high fives!

I can now imaging what my little guy looks like when I feel all that movement inside. This is the coolest thing!


  1. Congrats to you Clarissa. I am very excited for you!

  2. 6/12/09
    Way to go guys, we are happy for both of you, Your little guy will keep Granpa Tony and Grandma Carma busy. Congrats again
    Tia Patsy

  3. Yes, it is the coolest thing!!! Congrats. OK, now we are all waiting for the possible names to be revealed. Jeanne
