Everyone knows my sister has been terrible about keeping up with this blog, so she has appointed me as the new blogger to update everyone on Cruz during his first week with us! Clarissa's due date was Saturday, October 17, but there is still no Cruz. She is schedule to get induced tomorrow morning, if he doesn't suprise us tonight.
I am flying to Little Rock Wednesday morning, and will continuously post pictures (starting with the pictures Myron is supposed to take at the hospital since I can't be there). Of course my mom is already there waiting for this little guy to come too!
Clarissa started having contractions in the middle of the night Friday/Saturday, and I am pretty sure the reason the contractions stopped was because Oklahoma lost in the Red River rivalry :( Cruz is already showing my sister who's in control now by being stubborn and not coming! haha That part makes me laugh because the thought of my sister not having control makes me smile! Oh how Cruz has her wrapped around her finger already!
My sister is doing well though and of course, more ready than ever. Everytime I talk to her she sounds really relaxed. Clarissa and my mom even went to get pedicures and manicures yesterday! Not to mention, playing a few games of Skipbo throughout the day today.
I thought since Clarissa did such a terrible job of keeping yall updated, I would post some pictures from her pregnancy. Enjoy! And keep checking back because no one knows for sure if Cruz is going to suprise us tonight! :)
unt Candace

I thought since Clarissa did such a terrible job of keeping yall updated, I would post some pictures from her pregnancy. Enjoy! And keep checking back because no one knows for sure if Cruz is going to suprise us tonight! :)

Okay...I am on pins & needles trying not to call and make a pest of myself...so be sure to let me know when the little feller finally decides to make his debut! (Carma -- you have my number!!!!) Love to all! Aunt Cathie