What a week! We are still working on our sleeping and eating schedule but the kid can definately eat! He actually gained 6 ozs in less than a week. We went to the doctor's office on Monday, October 26th and he said that Cruz is just perfect - I already knew that, but it's nice to hear a professional agree.
Myron and I also took Cruz to the park to take a family photo to submit to Myron's corporate office for a bio. It took a lot of energy from me and Cruz for our first big outdoor adventure. Cruz is also starting to be more aware of his surroundings so we have started playing with him on the swing, bouncy seat, and his tummy time mat. His eyes get real big and every now and then he will crack a smile.
On Friday the 30th the 3 of us got dressed and went and had our first professional family portraits taken. Not only was this Cruz's first modeling gig, but it was my first time to get pooped on! I know that he was secretly waiting for me to actually shower and put nice clothes on :)!
Mimi (that's my mom) came to visit us for Cruz's first Halloween. She spoils him rotten but I love seeing her rock him to sleep. She has decided that Cruz loves to listen to her read books. We took a 3 hour shopping trip with Cruz on Saturday. The stroller works great, I changed a dirty diaper in a Target bathroom (with an audience) and fed him in the backseat of my car. Shopping will never be the same!
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