Saturday, April 18, 2009

Less than 6 months until d-day!!

We are now less than 6 months away from October 17th! It's going to go by so fast. We really haven't made any changes to the house for the baby. We have been trying to finish up all the projects in each room. Once we find out what the sex will be I am sure we'll go crazy!
I have been really blessed because I still haven't been sick and I am getting most of my energy back. I am not eating the best, but I'm really trying. My Dr doesn't seem to be worried because I take my vitamins regularly (thanks mom for that habit!).

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Moving into the 2nd trimester!!!

Yeah!!! I had my 12 week checkup this last week and I got to hear the heartbeat again! This is the coolest thing. I survived my 1st trimester without ever getting sick - sorry if that makes you other mothers mad :)! My middle is starting to grow and my normal clothes are getting a little too tight.

8 more weeks until we find out if we are getting a little boy or a little girl... Either way, I am ready to start shopping!