Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 4

This week was full of new adventures for Cruz. Daddy gave him his very first bottle! Everyone including the books said this would be a hard task to accomplish.... WHATEVER :) Take a look for yourself. Both Daddy and Cruz enjoyed the experience!

I also decided to venture outside the house by myself to go to Holiday House. This is an annual shopping tradition that I share with my dear friend Ms. Rita. It actually went very smooth. I was a little overwhelmed and edgy at first. It was Cruz's first time to be around that many people. Of course the stress was for nothing! He slept thru the whole thing and nobody was pushy to try and see him or touch him. Don't worry, I had a container of hand sanitizer in my pocket ready to douse any one who got too close!Over the weekend, Cruz and I let Daddy go up to Missouri to hunt with his brother and friends. Mimi came in to keep us company. It is always so great to have her around. She is sooo in love with Cruz and helps me out so much! We ran some errands on Saturday and got back to the house in the middle of the afternoon to watch some college football. Both Mimi and Cruz were exhausted and decided to take a nap instead ;)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Week 3

Life is good! We really have a wonderful baby with Cruz. He is doing really well thru the night and is working with the "schedule". Don't worry, I'm not as rigid as most of you think I would be, I am very flexible to his needs. My overall goal with the schedule is to have Cruz sleeping thru the night before I go back to work. Myron's favorite time of day is the evenings when he gets to hold Cruz and tell him about his day.

When he is not eating, he is a very agreeable baby. Myron and I were able to go to our small bible study group this last week. We didn't stay the whole time but it was very nice to get out of the house. This week we also gave Cruz his first full bath. He was a little fussy at first, but he really likes to have the warm water poured over him!
My dad came to visit at the end of the week. We celebrated his birthday late by grilling ribs and I made him a German chocolate cake - his favorite. Chief (that's what we are going to call him) loves to hold Cruz and is just so proud. He calls him Little Indian and talks about the things they are going to build one day!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Cruz's 2nd Week Home

What a week! We are still working on our sleeping and eating schedule but the kid can definately eat! He actually gained 6 ozs in less than a week. We went to the doctor's office on Monday, October 26th and he said that Cruz is just perfect - I already knew that, but it's nice to hear a professional agree.
Myron and I also took Cruz to the park to take a family photo to submit to Myron's corporate office for a bio. It took a lot of energy from me and Cruz for our first big outdoor adventure. Cruz is also starting to be more aware of his surroundings so we have started playing with him on the swing, bouncy seat, and his tummy time mat. His eyes get real big and every now and then he will crack a smile.
On Friday the 30th the 3 of us got dressed and went and had our first professional family portraits taken. Not only was this Cruz's first modeling gig, but it was my first time to get pooped on! I know that he was secretly waiting for me to actually shower and put nice clothes on :)!
Mimi (that's my mom) came to visit us for Cruz's first Halloween. She spoils him rotten but I love seeing her rock him to sleep. She has decided that Cruz loves to listen to her read books. We took a 3 hour shopping trip with Cruz on Saturday. The stroller works great, I changed a dirty diaper in a Target bathroom (with an audience) and fed him in the backseat of my car. Shopping will never be the same!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cruz's first night home/pacifier/bathtime

Last night was Cruz's first night at home, and from what I hear, it was a difficult one. I slept great :) but no one else in the house can say the same. Cruz didn't sleep longer than thirty minutes at a time, and I think if he slept 30 minutes, Clarissa and Myron were lucky. It was even hard for them to get him to eat.

Clarissa finally broke down and tried the pacifier but even that didn't work! She was pretty adament about not using a pacifier, but Cruz really needed it. Even though it didn't work last night, it was a life saver today! Cruz loved it! We are only giving it to him for a short period at a time, but today has been a complete turnaround from last night.

It is obvious that Cruz is spoiled because someone is always holding him! Up until this point, the only time he would sleep would be in someone's arms, but this afternoon he slept in his bed by himself for two hours! It was so quiet and peaceful in the house that Clarissa started stressing out a little bit because Cruz was sleeping for so long! It was really nice and hopefully, it is a sign on how easy tonight is going to be compared to last night.

Today was also Cruz's first bath. Keep in mind that his belly button is healing and he got his little manhood snipped at the hospital (which is a huge reason why he cries a lot right now), so the bath didn't feel so good to him. It was the fastest bath I have ever seen! I don't think mommy really liked doing it, and afterwards she said she was going to wait til everything is healed before she does that again.

Also, we are very thankful for the visitors! For the past two nights, we have friends bring us dinner, and it has been delicious! Thanks Rita and the Williams Family!

Here are some pictures from today with his pacifier and a video of him sucking it in his crib along with his first bath. If you find me on facebook, there are A LOT more pictures there.

-Aunt Candace

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cruz is Finally Home!

Clarissa and Myron finally brought Cruz home today around lunchtime. The process at the hospital to get released went a lot smoother than they were expecting, and I actually think Myron was more excited to come home than anyone. I guess those hospital couches/beds aren't that comfortable.

Maddie (Clarissa's dog) met Cruz right away and everything seemed to be going smoothly. Clarissa put Cruz in his crib and when he started crying, Maddie jumped into the crib to see what was going on! It completely shocked us because we didn't think she could jump that high! It was scary, but a few spankings later Maddie understood not to do that anymore.
We have only been a home a couple of hours and he is already on his third outfit! My dad and me are enjoying sitting in the living room while listening to the many screams and cries of Cruz from his room.

Right now he is testing out his new swing, and he looks so cute! Enjoy some of the pictures from yesterday and today!

-Aunt Candace

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Last Night in the Hospital

Thanks everyone for your prayers and well wishes! The family appreciates them! I was able to spend a good amount of time with my family and Cruz today at the hospital after I got to Little Rock. Cruz is so freaking cute!! I LOVE him!!

As soon as I got to the hospital, it was very apparent that Clarissa and Myron (and my mom) were exhausted. Today was just a day to recover, rest and of course, bond with Cruz. He caught on right away to breast feeding which made it a lot easier for Clarissa. She is already an expert with him and knows how to make him stop crying. It is so awesome!

Everything she went through yesterday/last night is all worth it for this beautiful boy! He is scheduled to come home tomorrow after a few last minute things at the hospital in the morning. I hope to get the pictures off of Myron's camera tomorrow, so I can show pictures from the time that I wasn't there.

-Aunt Candace

Welcome Cruz Davis McWherter!

Cruz joined us last night! Cruz Davis McWherter was born October 21, 2009 at 12:46 a.m. (CST)! He weighed 8 lbs 5 oz. and is 20 3/4 inches long. Clarissa and Myron are doing great! Clarissa is VERY exhausted because the doctor broke her water at 10:0 a.m. and nothing about yesterday was easy for her (maybe except for after she got the epidural!)My mom told me that once Cruz was here my mom and sister were very tired, but Myron was an adrenaline high and wouldn't stop holding Cruz! How sweet!

I am hoping to bring all of my energy to them today,and hopefully help out where needed so my sister can rest. My dad is also going to be in Little Rock this afternoon.

I will start posting pictures as soon as I get some (probably around 3ish).

-Aunt Candace

Monday, October 19, 2009

Aunt Candace Taking Over

Everyone knows my sister has been terrible about keeping up with this blog, so she has appointed me as the new blogger to update everyone on Cruz during his first week with us! Clarissa's due date was Saturday, October 17, but there is still no Cruz. She is schedule to get induced tomorrow morning, if he doesn't suprise us tonight.

I am flying to Little Rock Wednesday morning, and will continuously post pictures (starting with the pictures Myron is supposed to take at the hospital since I can't be there). Of course my mom is already there waiting for this little guy to come too!

Clarissa started having contractions in the middle of the night Friday/Saturday, and I am pretty sure the reason the contractions stopped was because Oklahoma lost in the Red River rivalry :( Cruz is already showing my sister who's in control now by being stubborn and not coming! haha That part makes me laugh because the thought of my sister not having control makes me smile! Oh how Cruz has her wrapped around her finger already!

My sister is doing well though and of course, more ready than ever. Everytime I talk to her she sounds really relaxed. Clarissa and my mom even went to get pedicures and manicures yesterday! Not to mention, playing a few games of Skipbo throughout the day today.

I thought since Clarissa did such a terrible job of keeping yall updated, I would post some pictures from her pregnancy. Enjoy! And keep checking back because no one knows for sure if Cruz is going to suprise us tonight! :)

-Aunt Candace

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cruz Davis McWherter

We have been spreading the news, but for those of you who don't know we have named our little bundle of joy. Cruz Davis McWherter!!! We absolutely love it. I know you are all going to ask, so I will go ahead and tell you the meaning behind it. Everyone on my mom's side starts with a C (except 2 rebels) and this was not a requirement but always a want. We also wanted something short and not in the top 100 list of names. We were also looking for a Christian name and I have always leaned towards a Hispanic name since I lost the Gonzales when I got married. Put it all together and you get Cruz: starts with C, definately not in top 100, short, and it is Spanish for the "cross of Christ". How perfect! Davis is the last name of Myron's great-grandfather that he is really fond of.

Now we just have to meet the little guy!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

My little soccer star!

What a kicker! The baby is all over the place! Myron saw it for the first time the other day and the kicks are finally strong enough for him to feel. He is so active!
We are having the hardest time with names. We want it to be perfect, so we keep trying every possible combination. Hopefully we'll figure it out before he gets here, or else he'll be stuck with McBaby for life!
We have finally started on our nursery! I ordered the cutest bedding and it came in last week. It has animals in all different fabrics on it. Yesterday we ordered our furniture and today Myron installed a new ceiling fan for the room - hopefully he'll put a fresh coat of paint on the walls in the next few weeks!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's a boy!

I just knew it! There must be something to this whole mother's intuition! It was so cool to see that our little baby looks like a BABY!!! Everything looks good and our little boy is healthy. He was very active and loved to play with his hands. He kept his hands wide open like he was pushing on my stomach and giving high fives!

I can now imaging what my little guy looks like when I feel all that movement inside. This is the coolest thing!

Monday, May 25, 2009

I am stretching in all directions!

I feel 10 times bigger than I look! I can't sit up very comfortably anymore even though my baby bump isn't that big. I think my insides are definately growing faster than my outsides. I can't eat very much in one sitting which is great for Myron!
Our little baby has become very active. I can feel movement at almost anytime of the day. I am secretly hoping that I am growing a soccer player! I keep trying to get Myron to feel it but I don't think the baby is big enough yet to feel on the outside.
We are getting more and more excited with everyday. This baby is going to come into a world so full of love! Not too much longer and we'll be able to stop calling him or her IT!