Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 4

This week was full of new adventures for Cruz. Daddy gave him his very first bottle! Everyone including the books said this would be a hard task to accomplish.... WHATEVER :) Take a look for yourself. Both Daddy and Cruz enjoyed the experience!

I also decided to venture outside the house by myself to go to Holiday House. This is an annual shopping tradition that I share with my dear friend Ms. Rita. It actually went very smooth. I was a little overwhelmed and edgy at first. It was Cruz's first time to be around that many people. Of course the stress was for nothing! He slept thru the whole thing and nobody was pushy to try and see him or touch him. Don't worry, I had a container of hand sanitizer in my pocket ready to douse any one who got too close!Over the weekend, Cruz and I let Daddy go up to Missouri to hunt with his brother and friends. Mimi came in to keep us company. It is always so great to have her around. She is sooo in love with Cruz and helps me out so much! We ran some errands on Saturday and got back to the house in the middle of the afternoon to watch some college football. Both Mimi and Cruz were exhausted and decided to take a nap instead ;)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Week 3

Life is good! We really have a wonderful baby with Cruz. He is doing really well thru the night and is working with the "schedule". Don't worry, I'm not as rigid as most of you think I would be, I am very flexible to his needs. My overall goal with the schedule is to have Cruz sleeping thru the night before I go back to work. Myron's favorite time of day is the evenings when he gets to hold Cruz and tell him about his day.

When he is not eating, he is a very agreeable baby. Myron and I were able to go to our small bible study group this last week. We didn't stay the whole time but it was very nice to get out of the house. This week we also gave Cruz his first full bath. He was a little fussy at first, but he really likes to have the warm water poured over him!
My dad came to visit at the end of the week. We celebrated his birthday late by grilling ribs and I made him a German chocolate cake - his favorite. Chief (that's what we are going to call him) loves to hold Cruz and is just so proud. He calls him Little Indian and talks about the things they are going to build one day!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Cruz's 2nd Week Home

What a week! We are still working on our sleeping and eating schedule but the kid can definately eat! He actually gained 6 ozs in less than a week. We went to the doctor's office on Monday, October 26th and he said that Cruz is just perfect - I already knew that, but it's nice to hear a professional agree.
Myron and I also took Cruz to the park to take a family photo to submit to Myron's corporate office for a bio. It took a lot of energy from me and Cruz for our first big outdoor adventure. Cruz is also starting to be more aware of his surroundings so we have started playing with him on the swing, bouncy seat, and his tummy time mat. His eyes get real big and every now and then he will crack a smile.
On Friday the 30th the 3 of us got dressed and went and had our first professional family portraits taken. Not only was this Cruz's first modeling gig, but it was my first time to get pooped on! I know that he was secretly waiting for me to actually shower and put nice clothes on :)!
Mimi (that's my mom) came to visit us for Cruz's first Halloween. She spoils him rotten but I love seeing her rock him to sleep. She has decided that Cruz loves to listen to her read books. We took a 3 hour shopping trip with Cruz on Saturday. The stroller works great, I changed a dirty diaper in a Target bathroom (with an audience) and fed him in the backseat of my car. Shopping will never be the same!