Last night was Cruz's first night at home, and from what I hear, it was a difficult one. I slept great :) but no one else in the house can say the same. Cruz didn't sleep longer than thirty minutes at a time, and I think if he slept 30 minutes, Clarissa and Myron were lucky. It was even hard for them to get him to eat.
Clarissa finally broke down and tried the pacifier but even that didn't work! She was pretty adament about not using a pacifier, but Cruz really needed it. Even though it didn't work last night, it was a life saver today! Cruz loved it! We are only giving it to him for a short period at a time, but today has been a complete turnaround from last night.
It is obvious that Cruz is spoiled because someone is always holding him! Up until this point, the only time he would sleep would be in someone's arms, but this afternoon he slept in his bed by himself for two hours! It was so quiet and peaceful in the house that Clarissa started stressing out a little bit because Cruz was sleeping for so long! It was really nice and hopefully, it is a sign on how easy tonight is going to be compared to last night.
Today was also Cruz's first bath. Keep in mind that his belly button is healing and he got his little manhood snipped at the hospital (which is a huge reason why he cries a lot right now), so the bath didn't feel so good to him. It was the fastest bath I have ever seen! I don't think mommy really liked doing it, and afterwards she said she was going to wait til everything is healed before she does that again.
Also, we are very thankful for the visitors! For the past two nights, we have friends bring us dinner, and it has been delicious! Thanks Rita and the Williams Family!
Here are some pictures from today with his pacifier and a video of him sucking it in his crib along with his first bath. If you find me on facebook, there are A LOT more pictures there.
-Aunt Candace